“For me, helping others is the foundation of human connection. We all feel a little lonely from time to time, and it’s never bad to seek external guidance. We ask ourselves: Is there another way I can do this? Is there anyone who has gone through the same thing? If so, how can I find out about their journey, to help me form steps toward my own?
Abigail Azurdia, Student
I asked myself these questions countless times and fortunately found others who have helped me through both my personal and academic journey. Now I wish to take each act of assistance that I received and pay it forward. I want to be that helping hand that tells others, “You’re not alone, we can get through this together,” and hopefully inspire others to help, too, so we can make the world just a little bit easier and a little more human.”
Make Space for Lending a Helping Hand with LifeSpace
Share your journey and why this is important to you
As a first-generation college student, I didn’t have a clue what college life would be like, and I didn’t have anyone around to help me. I was the first to dive into everything: how to fill out college applications, what SAT and ACT exams were, even what words like “units,” “entry-level” and “internship” meant. I often wished I had an older brother or sister to guide me through the daunting process of choosing a career path. The reality was, I was on my own.
During these times of uncertainty, I would look elsewhere for guidance: writers who would share their tips on choosing a major, how to balance tuition and living expenses, and even how to get out of a college funk. It was through these writers that I found aid and even respite. It was relieving to know someone else had gone through this and made it through to the other side.
Since then, I decided that if I ever succeeded, I would help people like me. It’s hard going through life changes alone, but you don’t have to.
Students: Learn More About LifeSpace Student Success
How would you like to inspire others?
Whatever stage of life you find yourself in, no matter how hard it may seem, know that you can take this as a learning experience. Even if you fail, it’s a win-win because you’ve now eliminated one path to your goal. Now you know, that path doesn’t work, getting you a lot closer to one that does. And in time, you can look back and tell your story to others to help them live theirs. There is no wrong way to write a life story: you just have to get it written.
Ready to share your story?
If you are someone making space for something important personally, professionally or socially this year, please send us your story
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