This year, what are you “making space” for? “I’m making space to help others learn new habits & behaviors. We only get one life to live and I want to help others see that. I want to show them the path that they can do what I did.” Beth Coulson Make Space for Your Passions…
Category: Moms

Melissa is Making Space for Photography
In 2019, what area are you “making space” for? “Photography promotes family time. Through photography, my family travels toward adventures, immerses themselves outdoors, and learn lots of fun things. Photography gives us a chance to unplug and escape electronics for the afternoon.” Melissa Stavey-Louy Make Space for Your Passions with LifeSpace Share your journey and…

Write Your Own “Make Space” story and be featured on LifeSpace
We all have goals and dreams. But far too often, we fail to “make space” in our lives for our own priorities and end up working on someone else’s priorities instead. It’s time to change that! We want to hear what you are making space for. Share your vision with us and we will help…

Organize, Collaborate and Dominate like a Power Couple
LifeSpace provides power couples with a common place to organize, plan and collaborate. Create “Spaces” for every Project, Event, Trip and Hobby, organize everything and share with your partner.

Organize Your Getaways, Vacations and Work Travel Using These Fun and Collaborative Online Tools
The Old Way to Organize Your Travel We used to travel with confirmation numbers, printouts and travel books. Then we all got iPhones and tried to ditch the paper and keep everything in email attachments and calendar links. Eventually we evolved to travel apps that attempted to help us organize all of our travel in…

Yvette Harrold is Making Space to Trek Mt. Kilimanjaro
I first learned about trekking Kilimanjaro 17 years ago but had to table my dream. Recently, a space opened in my mind to receive a very clear message – it’s time to plan a trek! In 2019, I’m making space to trek Mt. Kilimanjaro!

Whitney Bond is Making Space for YUM!
On my blog,, you’ll find most recipes are made in 29 minutes or less, in one pot, or in a crock pot! So you can say I’m making space for YUM!

Gabriela is Making Space for the Unknown
Gabriela Mendoza, Artist, says “Many of us think about ways to exceed our potential creativity, but how many of us are really putting in the time and effort to make it happen?”

Emma is Making Space for Mornings
In 2019, Emma Khoury is making space for Mornings! My goal is to focus on meditation, gratitude and fitness before checking my inbox”

Kelly Etter is Making Space to Supercharge
Kelly Etter of EtterOps says “This year I’m making space to supercharge my business and my health. 2019 will be the year it all comes together – I’m so excited!”